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Crisp fall days are coming and soon after, chilly winter nights. This is the time of year homeowners put a little extra demand on heating and cooling systems. Manvel, Texas stays reasonably temperate during the winter with average highs around 65 degrees and lows in the mid-40s.

Living with mild winter temperatures doesn’t mean homeowners shouldn’t give HVAC maintenance a high priority. Routine maintenance may save a homeowner money and the inconvenience of a major system breakdown.

Here are some of the most critical fall maintenance tips that can ensure an HVAC system operates efficiently during the coming winter. Hint: It’s not only about changing the air filter.

Love That Clear Air

An HVAC system works best when its vents and registers aren’t clogged with obstructions.

Before the winter season begins, homeowners should inspect all vents and cold air return ducts. After a hot summer of regular AC use, dust and debris may block vents. Vacuum the summer dust and of course, change the air filter.

Changing the air filter is the easiest and most cost-effective tip we can think of—besides the cost savings, clean filters help the HVAC system work more efficiently. If a family struggles with allergies, a clean filter decreases allergens in the home.

Drafts and Leaks

Fall is the ideal time to check for drafty windows and doors. Drafts don’t just make the people living in a home feel cold, they also interfere with energy efficiency. Drafts let cold air in and let warm air out.

To take care of leaks and drafts, we suggest sealing cracks with new caulking. Replace weather-stripping if necessary.

Don’t forget the attic! Attic insulation can suffer damage. Replace and then check out the basement or crawlspace. Both can often use a little extra insulation.

Check the Thermostat

With clean vents and a fresh filter, the next fall maintenance tip focuses on the thermostat.

First, check the temperature in the house and then set the thermostat 10 degrees higher. Now, turn the heating system on and listen closely for the sound working heating elements make.

Give it 15 minutes and check the room’s temperature again. By the way, grab a thermometer and place it next to the thermostat. Make sure the two readings match.

If they don’t match, call for HVAC repair service. For a more accurate thermostat reading, install a programmable thermostat.

Schedule an Inspection

Routine service helps an HVAC system run properly. Fall is an excellent time to schedule maintenance. This prepares the system for the demands of winter.

While no HVAC system lasts forever, routine maintenance may add years to the system’s service life.

Schedule service before you turn the heat on for the season. When you schedule maintenance for fall, you can keep ahead of HVAC repairs.

Need to Schedule HVAC Maintenance?

Our fall maintenance tips should help homeowners prepare their HVAC systems for winter.  Remember to clear the air, seal drafts and leaks, check the thermostat, and find a professional who can take care of the fall HVAC inspection.

Don’t let winter creep up without scheduling HVAC maintenance. Call Custom Air Systems—we have a team available 24/7!

(281) 466-4297